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Become a Full-time German Account manager for Accenture in Amsterdam

Looking for an international company in the Tech market? Then become a Full-time German Account manager for Accenture in Amsterdam.

36 - 40 uur per week
€2.773 Per maand

What are you going to do:

As a Full-time German Account Manager for Accenture in Amsterdam, you will do everything to close a good Sales deal for the company you will be working for. Starting from finding leads that can path into new business opportunities. Over keeping an eye on them to hand them over to the client with a nice short presentation, so you close the full sales cycle. 

Next to the whole sales cycle, you will work closely with the sale team to analyse metrics and trends to guarantee the success of the sales strategies

With sales experience, knowledge in the tech industry, plus fluency and German and English you are perfect for this position as a Full-time German Account manager in Amsterdam.

What we offer:

  • a great Job at a globally successful company;
  • gross salary of 2773 € per month
  • travel reimbursement
  • a bonus structure
  • working from home (max 2 days per week)
  • many growth opportunities.
  • an international team with an open and diverse working environment.

What we ask:

  • Minimum hbo level or equivalent ability
  • experience in sales
  • fluency in German and English


Der Job passt perfekt zu dir? Dann bewirb dich jetzt und wir werden dich so schnell wie möglich kontaktieren.

Extra information

Education Level
HBO, Universiteit
Working hours per week
36 - 40
Type of Contract
Fulltime (startersfunctie), Fulltime (ervaren)
Salary indication
€2.773 Per maand
Responsible for
generating leads and fulfilling the sales cycle
Published at

Topjob | Consultant vacatures | Sales vacatures | Vacatures commercieel medewerker | Vacatures accountmanager | Consultant vacatures | Fulltime (startersfunctie) | Fulltime (ervaren) | HBO | Universiteit

Apply directly
Astri Anggariani


Astri Anggariani, bereikbaar op tel. +31202143746 of +31683012589

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